Friday, January 13, 2006

Act Two Pros

After discovering that a film recently placed into development was dangerously close to a script I wrote back in Dec. '04, I dug said script up from the bowels of my abandoned screenplay deluge, and did a lil' rethinkin' on the bastard child. After an hour, or so, of tinkering, I came up with a better concept than the original. Successfully doctoring a premise has never came this quick, so, overall, it was a good day.

Post-necessary-self-congratulatory-celebration of a Bud Light tall boy and a quarter-pack of Marlboro Lights, I started a rough outline. And, you know what?... the fucker sang. I beat out Act Two with ease (Acts One and Three were conquered territory -- even with the premise reclamation). The pace found itself. The twists, character arcs, and plot points pieced themselves together.

The issue with the previous version of the screenplay -- besides the aforementioned similarities -- was that my Act Two was bogged down with bad plotting and a virulent plague of fifth-grade dialogue. (I throw feces at the pages and see what sticks, like the good spec monkey I am. )

So far, it's been about a week since the operation began, and this go-round feels like a step in a positive direction. Hey... so far, so good.

More to come.


At January 14, 2006 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good! Good luck with it. I'll pretend that reading my material inspired it all...

...whatever lets you sleep nights, right?

At January 15, 2006 9:59 AM, Blogger Adam Renfro said...

Ah, I love being able to retool something old. And I'm familiar with the Picaso school of throwing dialogue on the canvas and seeing what sticks.

At January 30, 2006 7:15 PM, Blogger DDog said...

Chris -- Every script I read helps spring some inspiration in my little mind!

OSM -- I've been tossing a multitude of BS at the wall the past two weeks: more bad than good... Okay, make that a whole-lotta-bad!


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